Post by Shadestrike on Feb 3, 2007 9:04:13 GMT -5
Flamestar bounded over to high rock and jumped onto it. He looked around camp and called, "All cats of Firetribe meet under high rock!" Flamestar saw the cats coming and flicked his tail. He saw Shadepaw grooming himself in the shade, and Moonpaw near him.
Dawnfire looked happily at Flamestar. She then looked to her aprintace. Two cats would be made warriors that day. Dawnfire flicked her tail to Stormpaw.
(Sorry for the god-moding)
Flamestar looked at the cats, "Today we will be giving two apprintances their Warrior names. Streampaw, please come forward." As the shecat did, he said, "You are my apprintace, and you lost your old one. You were taught skills and you know what it means to follow or ancesters. Starclan have left us." He paused listening to some cats out bursts, "What?! They are always with us!" He flicked his tail to silance them.
Flamestar meowed, "We have better ancesters. They want us to fight! Skytribe has taken us in! If you wish to stay with starclan, leave this tribe now!" Whwen nobody moved, he said, "Streampaw, Do you promise to uphold your duties to the tribe, and follow Skytribe with your heart?" As the shecat nodded, he said, "Streampaw, from this day you will be known as Streamfox. You fight like a fox in trainnig, and you move as swift as a stream. Be proud of this name." Flamestar flicked his tail, and jumped down from Highrock. He touched his nose to Streamfox's pelt.
Flamestar then jumped up to Highrock, "Stormpaw, please step forward." When the shecat did, he said, "You too lost your first mentor, and Dawnfire took over your trainning. Do you promise to uphold your duties, and follow Skytribe?" As they young she-cat nodded, he said, "Your new name will be Stormlight. You were born into a storm, but you have shown the light to us. You are powerful in battle, and I trust you will have respect for this name." After he said this, he jumped down and touched StormLight's pelt.
Dawnfire mewed, "StremFox! Stormlight!" She walked over to Stormlight, "I am proud of you."
Post by goldenstream on Feb 3, 2007 10:49:00 GMT -5
Morninggaze watched from the nursery, her three kits jumping around her. She smiled warmly when the apprentices got their warrior names and quietly whispered their names as the other cats shouted them.
Post by >>Sparrow<< on Feb 4, 2007 13:58:17 GMT -5
Dustfoot nodded with approval.
Post by Wildwind on Feb 4, 2007 15:48:08 GMT -5
Streamfox nodded. "Thank you. I really want to be the best warrior I can be." Stormlight nodded. "We'll do anything for this clan." she announced. Together they padded over to the center of the clearing and sat down. "We will gaured this camp with our lives." they said together. Talonfire went over to Streamfox and meowed, "I think we should go hunting in the morning." She nodded and Talonfire padded over to Wildwind. "You best be careful around my sister."Wildwind warned. Talonfire nodded.
(Can Talonfire mentor Firekit? And Firepaw,Wildwind's apprintice needs to be made a warrior. He was apprinticed with them.)
Post by waterlily on Feb 4, 2007 16:16:55 GMT -5
Brambleheart padded over to Dawnfire. "Well at least you don't have an apprintice anymore. You get to doother things...like hunt with me."he meowed hopefully.
Post by firestar100 on Feb 4, 2007 16:28:21 GMT -5
Firepaw nodded to Streamfox. "Congrates!" He touched her nose. "I like your warrior name. I will be a warrior soon. I hope." He purred.
Post by Wildwind on Feb 4, 2007 17:30:28 GMT -5
Streamfox nodded. "I hope you get to join us soon.' Stormlight nodded. "Me too."
Post by Pantherclaw on Feb 4, 2007 19:52:24 GMT -5
Turquoiseheart looked at the newly named warriors. She loved warrior ceromonies.
Post by waterlily on Feb 5, 2007 5:33:23 GMT -5
Birdwind watched from the nusery. She saw Hawkkit and watched him as he padded over to StormLight.She loved to watch warrior ceremonies. She remimbered her.
Post by Shadestrike on Feb 5, 2007 12:14:00 GMT -5
Flamestar looked at the tribe. He jumped onto Highrock and said, "I have two more announcements. Firepaw, you have also had two mentors. Wildwind is your second one. You have learned manythings, and it is time you be made a warrior. From this day on, you will be known as Firesky. Your heart is as big as the sky, and your pelt gives you fire." He looked at the cat, "Do you promise to uphold loyalty to Skytribe, and do what is right for your clan?" As the cat nodded, Flamestar jumped down and touched Firesky's pelt.
Flamestar jumped back up, "We also have a cat becoming a mentor today. Talonfire, you were mentored by a single mentor, but learned much. It is time you take on an apprintace. I expect you to pass your knolage on to Firekit, who will now be Firepaw."
Dawnfire looked at Brambleheart. She flicked her tail, "I guess we could go hunting sometime." She meowed to him. She pressed her pelt aginst his, and purred softley.
Post by Wildwind on Feb 5, 2007 17:10:32 GMT -5
Talonfire looked proudly at Firepaw. He puffed his chest out proudly. He gazed at Firepaw and smiled. "Come on Firepaw. We will hunt later." Firepaw nodded.
Wildwind looked at his brother proudly. He knew he would be really great mentor. "Talonfire you will be a great mentor. You deserve it." Talonfire nodded his thanks.
Stormlight and Streamfox padded over. "Good job."they meowed. They gazed at their half-brother in pride. "You will do a great job." Stormlight smirked when she saw Talonfire puff out his chest. "Now don't get over excited.'she meowed.
Creamkit and Moonkit padded over to Firepaw. 'You are so lucky."they meowed. They gazed at their friend proudly but you could see the envy in their eyes. They wanted to be an apprintice too but they wouldn't alow that to stop celebrating with their friend.
Firepaw knew it took alot for them to say that. 'Thank you."he meowed. He felt his heart swell with love that they didn't reject him for becoming an apprintice before them.
Post by Shadestrike on Feb 6, 2007 8:15:58 GMT -5
Flamestar saw creamkit and Moonkit talking to their brother. He padded over to them, "You will have mentors soon, but We need more cats to mentor you guys."
Dawnfire heard her brother talking to the kits and as he left, she walked over to them, "If I can put my word in, you will have a mentor before next moonhigh. I might be able to mentor you..."
Post by Wildwind on Feb 6, 2007 10:58:04 GMT -5
Creamkit and Moonkit nodded."We don't mind. As long as Firepaw gets through his training. We just don't want to wait to long."Creamkit meowed and Moonpaw nodded.
Wildwind watched them and sighed. "I'd mentor you but I just got done with mine." He shook his head an dwondered off. "Hey Dawnfire."he called back, "Will you lead a hunting patrol?"
Firepaw looked up at his mentor. "Can we go hunting tomorrow?" he asked. Talonfire nodded and Firepaw bounded over to the apprintice den.
Talonfire watched his apprintice go and sighed. He knew Firepaw was going to be hard to train. He was only putting on a show for Creamkit and Everybody knew it.
Post by Shadestrike on Feb 6, 2007 12:13:01 GMT -5
Dawnfire purred, "Of course. Do you want me to choose who to come? I was thinking Brambleheart, and maybe Talonfire would want to take Firepaw with us. If not I'll find another cat."
Shadepaw lurked behind his sister. He had a flame in his eye, watching Streampaw, and stormpaw becoming warriors. He flicked his tail annoyed. They started trainning at the same time, yet Stormlight and Streamfox were warriors before him.
Moonpaw could sense Shadepaw's uneasyness. They could tell each other's feelings. She pushed her body to his and mumered, "It will come soon."
Flamestar watched the two apprintances with a wondering look. He then turned to Dawnfire, "Dawnfire, could you take Shadepaw? I need to know how he is coming along."
Dawnfire nodded.
Post by >>Sparrow<< on Feb 6, 2007 19:52:24 GMT -5
"He's my apprentice...I'll go as well!" mewed Dustfoot padding over. "Though if you ask me there's nothing to prove...I think he's ready!"
Mosspaw sat to the side. When will it be my turn? she wondered.